Mission in Health Care & Development
Zonta Adelaide Torrens supports MHCD projects in DR Congo
Mission in Health Care and Development (MHCD) is an NGO based in Bukavu Town and Uvira, on the eastern border of DR Congo. Our contact there is Dr Luc Mulimbalimba, an MP, Dr Luc is the head of MHCD. He was introduced to us through the Birthing Kit Foundation (Australia). The lack of services and high rate of trauma in the community moved Dr Luc to create MHCD, an organisation which has worked tirelessly to assist women through the provision of health services, birthing kits and training for traditional birth attendants.
Dr Luc told us that in DR Congo raped women are left isolated and without support. As a result MHCD developed community projects to help women recover from rape and regain their dignity. They provide employment, build capacity and create financial independence.
The Zonta Club of Adelaide Torrens elected to support two of MHCD‘s projects:
1. Radio Programs designed and presented by female journalists and broadcast on MHVS’s Impact Radio Station. These programs educate women on dealing with rape: they encourage victims to be less ashamed and to seek medical, family planning and other forms of assistance. Everyone listens to the radio and this is a great way of spreading a valuable social and health message to very disadvantaged women.
2. Microfinance for women. MHCD assists women who are very poor, widowed or who have been raped to start their own small enterprise which can generate sustainable income. The projects we support are: bread selling, food production and pig-raising. All the projects are overseen by MHCD to ensure they are viable and that the women get the training and support they need. Women who have been through a microfinance project can feed and educate their children and build self-respect.
3. We recently contributed money to purchase solar lighting for the village houses.